The music hardly mirrors the era it's trying to evoke, instead, it's more like sub-par metal blasting across the battlefield, which visually looks a little dated and yet still manages to suffer from frame-rate issues.

Those who are looking for an atmospheric war simulation or history lesson will do best to turn the other way this is a rather cheesy hack 'n' slash game that offers plenty of repetition. The game is still focused around missions that put the player on a battlefield where you rush and slash through thousands of soldiers in ancient, East Asian environments with some magic aspects added. Thus, it's the same game that it was when it launched with some upgrades that have been added along the way. The game was originally released in 2018 to decent reviews ( here's ours) and now, an Ultimate version has been released, adding new storylines, characters and game modes as well as some updates to the original menus. Warriors Orochi 4 is the latest entry in the franchise wherein Dynasty Warriors meets Samurai Warriors. One just has to lean back and press triangle and the right trigger a few times if they want to stand victorious. What Sun Tzu didn't know, however, was the fact that one doesn't have to analyse how dust moves on the battlefield or how to form one's troops when moving through a mountain pass. The analysis into every aspect of war didn't leave anything to chance. To this day, the book is used to guide generals, economists and company executives.

Around 300 B.C., Sun Tzu wrote one of the most read books in the world: The Art of War.